Hemmamiljö under pandemin

The project Disrupted Temporalities - Ongoing collection

The project Disrupted Temporalities examines the temporalities of everyday life in Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and Finland during the Covid-19 pandemic and the state of permanent crisis that followed. The aim of the project is to understand how crises and time are affectively intertwined, how they are experienced, articulated and practised in an uncertain everyday life. Theoretically, the project is inspired by a performative time perspective on the indeterminacy of time and the coexistence of different temporalities.

Collaborative partners

  • Lund University (lead) with the Folklife Archives (Folklivsarkivet med Skånes musiksamlingar)
  • University of Copenhagen: SAXO Institute
  • Åbo Akademi University
  • The Norwegian Museum of Cultural History
  • Stockholm City Museum


Read more Disrupted Temporalities 


The Folklife Archives capture everyday life for tomorrow

The archives initiate, collect, preserve and make every day life visible  in Sweden through stories and other forms of expression.

Contact the archives for a collaboration.


Purpose of The Folklife Archives at Lund University:

The Folklife Archives serves a dual purpose, with a dedicated focus on the academic realm and a broader societal perspective on cultural heritage issues.

Functioning as a crucial infrastructure, it facilitates qualitative research and education by offering support, archiving research data, and students' collected materials. Furthermore, the archives actively engage in teaching and provide a knowledge base for students. The Folklife Archives spearheads and investigates both historical and contemporary materials.

Positioned as a cultural heritage actor, the archives actively collects, manages, processes, and disseminates knowledge reflecting people's everyday lives across different times and contexts. The materials housed, including those from the Scania Music Collections, form a vital component of the university's historical heritage, contributing significantly to society's comprehension of how the past influences the present.

The Board of the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology at Lund University officially endorsed The Folklife Archives with the Scania Music Collections' mission on September 30, 2020.